Professional Development
The CCIM Institute Robert L. Ward Center for Commercial Real Estate Studies
These courses were created to provide continuing education and thought leadership to members and non-members on timely topics in the commercial real estate industry. You will tackle today's most relevant subjects, including current financial analysis strategies, communication skills, high-tech marketing strategies, and crowdfunding.
By taking our courses, you'll get real-time information from the industry's most renowned thinkers and practitioners and ensure your clients are equipped to make the most of their real estate investments.
With various delivery formats, these courses are guaranteed to fit your needs and your schedule.
Looking for Specialty Topic Areas?
See course paths by topic area below, or view a list of all courses.
Financial Investment ToolsMake investment decisions based on strong financial fundamentals. | Professional Growth and DevelopmentLearn how to serve your clients better and grow your career. |
Market Analysis/TechnologyLearn how to forecast and analyze demand. | Tax IssuesLearn how taxes impact investment. |
NegotiationsApply the interest-based negotiation model. |

Let us know if you are interested in hosting a course from the Robert L Ward Center for Commercial Real Estate Studies. Please complete one form for each course you would like to license and schedule. This information will be tracked by The CCIM Institute education team.

Site To Do Business is commercial real estate's advanced digital toolkit, providing essential data and tools to support financial, market, spatial, and competitive analysis. If you're interested in hosting an Site To Do Business course, please contact us.